Faces of Jesus

faces of jesus

How do you imagine Jesus? The thought of an incarnate, embodied God has puzzled and fascinated generations of artists and poets, including Blake. Here are a few of the divine images – or images of divinity – and the many ‘faces’ of godhead, of humanity, that have arisen over the centuries. What do we make of them? Are they graven images?  Are they windows into man’s soul? Do they connect with you on a personal level?  Or as a symbol of something beyond personal?

Christ_of_Saint_John_of_the_Cross  Jerusalem-The-Emanation-of-the-Giant-Albion--plate-76-Albion-before-Christ-crucified-on-the-Tree-of-Knowledge-and-Good-and-Evil,-1804-20-large (1)  ZBD_Head_of_Christ-%22Portrait of a Young Jew%22Rembrandt’s “Head of Christ (c. 1648-165

Me and Jesus

Please also feel free to post your own favourite image or ‘face’ of Jesus. Send us an image that particularly speaks to you or moves you, or that you’d like to share. Marcus Borg encourages this as a form of exercise or meditation: “I had given hundreds of lectures about Jesus, but nobody had ever said, “Make it personal.” It was a challenge. Not being sure how to proceed, I wrote the words Me and Jesus on a piece of paper, began to think about them, and was led into memories and reflections about Jesus in my own life. It was a rich and illuminating experience, and I encourage you to try this yourself sometime. Simply begin, as I did, with your earliest childhood memories of Jesus, track them through your adolescence and into adulthood, and then see what has happened to your image of Jesus over the years.”

designall (1)  8df054792d103e1c8f2f3a91b01b654f-Carl Heinrich Bloch - Christ Mocked by a Soldier (1880)  IMG_1351